Monday, April 28, 2008

Cheap Low Cost Health Insurance

It's a sad fact but still true - if you need to really look after yourself when you become ill or start to suffer from a malady - you need to be insured. You need a comprehensive health insurance policy that not only covers you for the worst thing that could happen to you sickness wise but also ensures you get top rate care as well.

So no big surprises there - you need health cover.

Now, if you work for the majority of companies in the US today - no problem. An in house Health Insurance policy will have you covered - in some cases your family can enjoy the protection as well for an additional premium top up which you'd pay - and the price you'd pay would be minuscule in comparison to what you'd have to pay yourself.

Ah - oh dear.

You're self employed or working for a company where HI isn't provided?

Hmm - okay - we have a solution that you can work with.

Firstly - any chance you can convince your company to start up a company health policy? Sure, there's a cost to the company but they can approach it by asking for employees to pay a contribution each month.

This means that you, the employee, gets health cover at a cost less than you'd pay on your own and the company gets not only part funding from you but also provides something to help motivate their staff as well as potentially stopping their staff looking to work elsewhere.

Which brings me to the second thing you could do. (Based on your circumstances and all and what's available, I know!) But - could you move job to a company that do provide health benefits?

Or - another slant on this - is there another company competing against your employers that do have a health plan? There is? Great - so, what would your bosses reaction be to you discussing with him a hypothetical offer you might have received from them which includes health! (You're negotiating here, trying to move your employer into recognising that the Health Insurance is a big issue for many and that they should get with the times!! You don't have to move if you don't want to but let your boss know that health plans feature in your needs!)

Lastly - you can look to the group health insurance plan way forward.

For many individuals, going down the group health plan road is by far the best way to go. If you've exhausted all attempts and options at work and they still won't join the rest of us in the 21st century, maybe it's time for you to consider either joining an existing group plan or consider starting one of your own groups up.

American General Insurance

From car, to property, to medicine, to life, it is important to be well insured in all aspects of your existence. Since getting American General Insurance, I have been pretty happy with my safety, but then again you never know. American General life insurance is not the first insurance that I have tried. I live in a house with several generations of my family, and we all believed in getting adequately insured to take care of ourselves. My great uncle did not have American General Insurance, but did have coverage from what seemed to be a respectable insurance company with a good reputation.

However, when my uncle died of cancer, the life insurance went null and void. Although they made it seem like their life insurance was meant to cover every possible circumstance, in fact it did not. Because his death was of natural causes, even though it was an early death, we did not receive any benefits when he died. Because he was the chief source of income for our household, we all suffered greatly when he died. Before I signed up with American General Insurance, I consulted a lawyer to make sure that the terms were air tight. It seems that American General Insurance really does provide a high standard of coverage did help set my mind at ease.

Of course, American General Insurance is not really for everyone. The purpose of life insurance is to provide a safeguard in case the breadwinner of the home dies in an accident. If you are living on your own, or are of independent means, you really are unlikely to have any need of American General Insurance at all, so you should really think twice before paying for this unnecessary service. Although American General Insurance is not overly expensive for what it is, it still can cost a pretty penny over the long run, so if you have no need of it, why bother to pay all of that extra cost?

Beside American General Insurance, you must also find some suitable coverage for your car. Buying auto insurance is even more important than life insurance for most of us, and there is such a huge difference between the different providers, that a great deal of research is really required. Some of them are many times more expensive than others, so you should make sure to get an affordable auto insurance provider.